If you’re the owner of the vehicle, you’re the only individual with the legal right to coordinate the repairs.

No. Unless your insurance policy indicates otherwise, you aren’t obligated to take your vehicle to a drive-in claims service. Customarily, all you need to do is call your insurer and inform them where your car, SUV or truck can be examined by a claims professional.

No, in most cases. However, if you decide to take your vehicle to the preferred shop, ask your insurer about its “elects to repair” clause (in your insurance policy).

Many automobile owners have literally no idea about what their car insurance policy really contains. Some policyholders believe that they have “Full Coverage” or that their insurance company is obligated to take care of everything! When the time comes for the repairs, most folks are amazed to discover that they don’t have provisions for rental car coverage.

Many policies are available that provide good coverage and there is a wide range of solid insurance companies and agents out there. Always make certain to take your policy out and review it carefully, and go over it with your agent to know what you’re paying and why! Many families aren’t prepared to make the important decisions that they are often forced to make after an accident, so make the time to review your insurance policy entirely.

In almost every scenario, no. Unless your policy specifically states otherwise, no one can ever force you to obtain more than one estimate.

By taking your vehicle to a reputable repair facility such as Henderson Collision Center. Ask our shop manager to contact your insurer and advise them about the damage, and then call your insurance company and tell them where the car is located.

Initially, always attempt to collect from the other party, so that you won’t have to pay the deductible. Additionally, if you use the other automobile owner’s policy, you could be entitled to a rental car while your vehicle is being repaired. No accident should ever be paid for by your insurance policy if you’re not at fault.

Yes, but the Texas Commissioner’s authority is limited in several areas. To make sure, contact your State Commissioner’s office and ask them to describe the overall scope of their authority.

No, in most situations. You should always be presented with an estimate, so that you can know what’s being repaired before any of the repairs are made, unless your policy specifies anything differently.